‘Entertainment purposes only’ – sure…. Just like what I write here, knowing the tyranny rising across our once free nation.
You can feel her frustration. We all know what’s up. The frustration has reached the point where revolution may even be likely once they make their move. Whether that move is a gun in your face from the Green Militia that the Marxists Democrats keep trying to create (HR1 only failed thanks to Manchin) – or after a stolen election the Marxists move to destroy all freedom nationwide with their expected Climate lockdowns designed to destroy the economy, impoverish the nation and kill off millions in time. It is coming. What will the future hold? I know that millions would rather rise up and put a total and complete end to the evil of the WEF, Marxists, Democrats and RINOS. All who help them will become enemies of the people and God help them all if this happens as WE KNOW THE TRUTH. America will not fall to these animal Marxist SCUM. Remember, if they try gun confiscation anywhere, it is time to sacrifice. Time to leave our cushy lives and destroy the enemies of freedom. Just my opinion, not that I have a crystal ball…. only my opinion, and MILLIONS OF OTHERS who will not let our nation fall to these animal low lives. – Sgt Pat
Listen to what this woman says…
Her words echo the sentiments that we ALL feel on some level, being part of The Great Awakening.
We post information all day long, try to open peoples eyes to the EVIL that surrounds us, and tell the TRUTH til our voice is hoarse, yet it feels… pic.twitter.com/WavlySIteQ
— The Patriot Voice (@TPV_John) August 18, 2023