Biden talks about the decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine: "It took me a while to be convinced to do it."
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 9, 2023
Want to know more? Links – Comments & Threads
- Biden admin moves to give ‘cluster bombs’ to Ukraine despite humanitarian concerns – Post Millennial
- Biden’s decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine shows they don’t care about the Ukrainian people; these munitions will lead to Ukrainian casualties caused by undetonated bomblets for decades to come. This is the same cold, calculating, callousness we saw in Madeleine Albright when she said the price of 500k dead Iraqi kids from US sanctions “was worth it.” – Tulsi Gabbard (vid clip)
- If they cared abt the Ukrainian people they would have allowed them to keep the peace deal they signed. Zelensky keeps asking because based on the advise he received he reneged on the peace deal after it was signed. – Amelia David
- The reasons why the US engaged in this war – given by our corrupt politicians and news media – are pure gaslighting propaganda. The Obama and Biden regimes along with their deep staters in State Dept and CIA instigated, escalated and engaged in this conflict going back to 2014. Most Americans are clueless as to the chain of events over the past 10 years. The Biden regime and much of Congress are corrupt traitors in bed with globalists who want this war for their own financial and political gains. These links give the full and true chain of events over the past 10 years. J Kermer