“Hot Crime Summer” week on The Megyn Kelly Show continues with a deep dive on the horrific story of Jared Fogle from Subway. Megyn Kelly is joined by journalist Rochelle Herman, who was featured in the recent “Jared From Subway: Catching A Monster” highlighting her personal work in bringing down Jared and exposing his crimes, to discuss the tactics she used to get close to him, what she learned about him being a pedophile, how big a star he was at the time, the disturbing phone calls she recorded of Fogle, why the FBI wasn’t acting fast to stop him, whether he was part of a bigger conspiracy, whether Subway knew about it, his life in prison and when he’s expected to get out, spotting a pedophile and lessons on “grooming,” Fogle’s life growing up, encouraging more victims to speak out, and more.
Keep Your Hat On – TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
Amazon Alexa Hears “Racist Remark” & SHUTS DOWN Man’s Entire Smart Home For A Week!
Trump Indictment Song – Heading to NUMBER 1 – so many truths in this…. Sgt A
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