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Religion: WOW – Off The Kirb Ministries
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Humans exist in the terrestrial environment without nature having provided them with the necessary genes. Humans possess instincts to survive in an arboreal environment. The displacement of our human ancestors from arborea into the terrestrial environment was too sudden for nature to provide the species with the genes tot survive in the new environment. Now, the conscious survival in the terrestrial environment is constantly threatened by the interference of the arboreal instincts within human beings that results in constant stress.
The purpose of religions is to help humans to overcome the stress of trying to survive in the terrestrial environment.
The survival of the human species depends on “work” which is the conscious expenditure of human physical and mental energy to produce “wealth” by restructure of material resources provided by nature.
There exists an electrical potential between the conscious human brain and the human heart that generates micro voltages of electro-magnetic energy. It is the same electro-magnetic energy that is God, and that is Love, and that is Truth. At the time of the origin of our universe, a part of the “God electro-magnetic energy” was turned into matter (Einstein’s E=mc2).
Our globe, the Earth turned out to be a carbon-based matter. (The most stable element in the periodic table with 6-protons, 6-electrons, 6-neutrons).
Humans that “work” to survive generate positive micro-voltages of electro-magnetic energy, the same electro-magnetic energy that is God. The more micro voltages of positive electro-magnetic energy a human generates, the closer to God he finds himself. (Eternal life)
Humans that follow arboreal instincts to just “take” as did our arboreal ancestors by natural instinct in merely reaching out to pluck fruit from tree branches that nature then replenished, can only generate negative micro-voltages of electro-magnetic energy. The human generation of negative micro-voltages of electro-magnetic energy invariably that leads to the return to carbon-based matter. (Death)
To judge the efficacy of a religion, one has to do so on the basis that it helps humans to generate positive micro voltages of electro-magnetic energy. The revival of Christian faith is testimony that the believe in God, Love, and Truth (positive voltage of electro-magnetic energy) is on the rise again.