She is covering her rear big time, and now CNN goes against their own expert. lol
Dr. Wen: Despite Covid being less dangerous than we've reported, "pregnant women, pregnant individuals, should be getting vaccinated"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 17, 2023
Dr. Wen admits on CNN that the vaccinated are more at risk. #vaccinegenocide
— Scott Williams 🇺🇸 (@Scott_W324) January 18, 2023
- So, Dr. Leana Wen of CNN apparently just now discovering what most of us knew way back then but got censored for saying it that covid deaths were way overstated because most weren’t from it but with it. She’s a piece of shit like the rest of them. – First Words
- Again. We told you the numbers didn’t add up, literally. Dr. Leana Wen slammed after admitting there’s been ‘overcounting’ of COVID deaths: ‘TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATE’ | Fox News – Fox News Article (from 1/14)
- CNN finally admits COViD deaths & hospitalizations were overcounted. Dr. L Wen says we should distinguish between cases where “C@ViD is a primary cause” and cases w/ “incidental C@ViD.” Dr. Wen has blood on her hands. She didn’t investigate this properly. – News Nancy
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