Hey, EARTH TO BOEBERT – and all Republicans, Bills have to be signed by the President. Repeat – BILLS have to be signed by the President. DUH. Are you people really this ignorant?
The Power of a Republican Congress was in the investigations…. not trying to pass a bill, let’s be honest. And even with that, let’s imagine Jordan sends out subpoena’s galore, and NO ONE responds. He then has to beg the Leftist DOJ, AG Garland to issue an arrest warrant. And, what part of this are we not understanding yet? Is there ANY reader of Whatfinger who thinks ANYTHING will be done? If so, I have a lovely bridge to sell you. It’s called the Brooklyn Bridge. Cheap. Anyone interested?
Boebert does sound so optimistic, so let’s give her that. YAY…
Nixing the 87,000 IRS agents tonight and conservatives are just getting started! pic.twitter.com/SfiWyOxX5j
— Rep. Lauren Boebert (@RepBoebert) January 10, 2023
A few tidbits on, about or for CONgress…
Changing the status quo often requires short-term pain and discomfort.
But the end result is usually well worth it.
We saw all of this unfold during the 118th Congress Speaker's race. pic.twitter.com/MvaCosd03T
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) January 9, 2023
Today, House Republicans will vote to END proxy voting once and for all.
The House of Representatives isn't a tech company.
Its members should work IN PERSON in the People's House!
— Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) January 9, 2023
Tonight the House passed a rule to end proxy voting. Some members of Congress are upset they can no longer vote from the golf course.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) January 10, 2023
Shutting down the Federal Government is much better than continuing to fund it with debt and #inflation. If a government shutdown is the only way to get #Congress to act responsibly then the sooner the government shuts down the better. The Debt Ceiling should not be raised again.
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) January 9, 2023
- The First Thing Republicans Should Do When They Take Back Congress Is Impeach Merrick Garland – Federalist
“We’ve got to get back to a citizen legislature…and make sure people aren’t there forever. — @KellyannePolls reveals why Congress needs term limits. Listen, only on @QuakeMedia: https://t.co/k2zVoMLkqP pic.twitter.com/ulJmRbhvay
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) January 9, 2023
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