Fast clip from the interview below this top clip.
Former HHS official Michael Caputo (@MichaelRCaputo) RIPS the feds after a jury acquits Igor Danchenko on all charges.
WATCH the full interview here:
— The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson (@AbsoluteWithE) October 19, 2022
Igor Danchenko found not guilty on all counts.
No shock – it's hard to win a false statements case when the FBI and Mueller were uninterested in pursuing the truth.
Here are the most important highlights from the trial –
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 18, 2022
- Holy moly, look what walkafyre found. The FBI wanted to make Danchenko a CHS before they knew anything about him, before they interviewed him, before they knew his role in the dossier. It was always about hiding him from Russiagate inquiries. It was always about the cover up.
- At this point we knew Danchenko would be found Not Guilty for two simple reasons: 1—Trump was involved 2—A D.C. area jury will never convict a friend of the Democrats. It’s a national embarrassment, but it’s not surprising. – Charlie Kirk
This guy is shameless. His dossier has been proved a farce. Danchenko fabricated much of it and Steele embellished it further. He’s trying to play victim and victor now because it’s the only way he can make money going forward.
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 19, 2022
The FBI frantically buried Danchenko's existence on the same day that Horowitz opened his investigation into their 2016 election-related activities. What are the odds?
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) October 19, 2022
- Danchenko Case Exposes Another FBI Dirty Secret: Politics Prompted Crossfire Hurricane – Federalist article
Wrong. Check the date. [1/12/17] The FBI wanted to make Danchenko a CHS immediately after interviewing him the first time.
Check the last line in this segment of IG report.
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) October 19, 2022