Attack on Masculinity reaches peach woke stupidity "She HULK"
— Maᴙty M\
(@MartyMajestic11) September 24, 2022
She-Hulk is woke She-It.#SaturdayThoughts
— Dr. Jimmy Yam (@JimmyJoeYam) September 24, 2022
- I don’t know who needs to hear this, but disliking She-Hulk is not sexist. Every time I criticize the show I have people calling me a misogynist. If I was calling it “woke” then it would be different, but that’s not the case at all. I just don’t find it that interesting – Zeke
- Bad writing, bad acting, idiotic background woke narrative behind every scene. No struggle for the character because Marvel has to make sure a girl never loses an argument, a battle or a competition. It’s like a 10yr old fantasy without any substance. Oh , it is She-Hulk – Julie
- I remember being 7 in the school yard letting all the other kids know how She-Hulk was ruining the Hulk cartoon. I coined the phrase woke back then! – Uncle Tony The Hack
- Idk which entertainment that got the worst Get Woke Go Broke moment in 2022: That, She-Hulk or Rings of Power. – Saint Tyrone
- I don’t necessarily think the show is woke, but more drowned in classic Hollywood white feminism. It’s white feminist comedy that thinks it’s being funny and profound but really just being self-centered, pretentious and unfunny. – Rufus LaCue Jr