★★★ YOUR PATRIOT PATH TO FREEDOM! ★★★ The Nation of France has officially BANNED Woke Gender-Neutral Language in their Schools all as SUPPORT for the nationalist-populist presidential candidate Marine Le Pen SURGES! In this video, we’re going to take a look at what’s behind the government ban on what’s called gender-inclusive writing in all French schools, how this move is but the latest in French President Macron’s recent pivot to the political right, and why it’s too little too late for Macron, as a new poll shows a surge in support for Le Pen; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
More news posted May 14, 2021
- LBA Blog: Americans Can Now Safely Spit On The Media’s ’17 Intelligence Agencies Agree’ Argument
- Breitbart News: Woke Corporations Reject Science! Will Force Customers to Defy CDC and Mask Up
- Clash Daily: WaPo’s Bad Reporting Helps IDF Head-Fake Hamas Into A Massive Trap
- Federalist: Insane USA Today Editor Says Republicans Who Ousted Cheney Are A Greater Threat Than 9/11 Hijackers
- College Fix: Cops fired for inaction in Parkland shooting get jobs back, vacation pay
- Washington Examiner: White House ‘working’ on revoking Biden’s mask mandate for federal buildings
- Gateway Pundit: Biden Allies in Florida Preparing For Trump to Get Indicted While He’s at Mar-a-Lago
- American Military News: 130+ Americans, incl. US officer and 2-year-old son, hit with mysterious sonic attacks since 2016, report says
- Trending Politics: BOMBSHELL: Maricopa County Officials *Deleted* Election Databases from Voting Machines, Arizona’s Auditors Find (We have story in another link as well on top)
- Post Millennial: BREAKING: Biden administration to prioritize transgender migrants seeking to cross US border
- Unheard: The focus on Covid variants is becoming an obsession
- Newsbusters: How Chris Cuomo Hitched Himself to Rebekah Jones’ Sinking Ship of Lies
- College Fix: Education group files federal civil rights complaint against school district that admitted to ‘systemic racism’
- Epoch Times: DHS Secretary Defends Biden Admin’s Handling of Border Crisis (Corrupt and Clueless or just a straight propagandist? – Sgt Pat)
- Red State: Biden Has Instructions for Drivers (If You Can Understand What He’s Saying)
World News… See World News Vids from all sources – click here
- WF Wires: Armenia says Azerbaijan fails to fully withdraw after border incident
- France 24 (French): Israel pounds Gaza with air strikes, Hamas returns fire with barrage of rockets
- SCMP (Hong Kong – Chinese): Philippines won’t move an inch on South China Sea, Duterte tells Beijing
- Times of Israel: At least nine Palestinians reported killed as violence spreads to West Bank
U.S. News…
- USA Today: Trader Joe’s is one of the first stores to drop mask requirement for fully vaccinated customers after CDC mask update
- Gateway Pundit: SHOCKING VIDEO: Insane Teacher Berates Vaccinated Student for Not Wearing a Mask, Calls Him a Jerk, Tells Him Nobody Likes Him
- Weasel Zippers: Lyft Driver Robbed At Gunpoint In Los Angeles…
- Independent Sentinel: Bret Baier torches Liz Cheney
- Life News: Pro-Life Group Sets Up Mobile Ultrasound Unit in Front of Abortion Center to Save Babies From Abortions
- Not The Bee: Ohio is offering vaccinated citizens the chance to win a million dollars! But it’s actually a very cruel and coercive trick.
- Reuters: Factbox: Cautious U.S. re-opening does not include U.S. government, yet
- Not The Bee: Looking for a story that will make you smile? Look no further…5/13
- Fox News: 20 Year High! Arizona sheriff on migrant surge, cartel activity at border
- The Hill (Left Wing): Oklahoma dam explosion kills two
- Epoch Times: DHS Creating New Intelligence Unit to Focus on Domestic Terrorism (No actual terrorists like Antifa will be investigated, only Conservatives – anyone want to bet how corrupt anything Biden and the Marxists backing him will do? – Sgt Pat)
- Red State: Watch: Angry Moms Crash School Board Meeting to Read ‘Pornographic’ Excerpts From Books Assigned to Kids
- First: KING JOE: Biden’s Unbelievable Warning to Non-Vaccinated People Should Scare ALL Americans
- ZeroHedge: Nearly 800 Barges Stuck In Lower Mississippi River From Bridge Crack
- ABC News (Left Wing): Chicago cat fleeing fire survives 5-story jump, walks off (Video and Photo says it all – supercat! – Sgt K)
- Counter.news: Report: Biden’s ICE nominee worked with BLM activist to push lie that a white man killed a black child
- Just The News: Biden Inauguration Day priest resigns as California university president over inappropriate behavior
- Frontpage Mag: The Treason Party’s Swiss Banker. The foreign election interference that Democrats love
- American Thinker: Petty tyrant anti-Science Gov of NY Andrew Cuomo defies CDC guidance, orders New Yorkers to keep masks on
- Washington Examiner: Biden hit during ‘Police Week’ for pushing anti-police ‘myths’

Politics USA…
- Hot Air: Anti-Science Petty tyrant New Jersey governor to CDC: We’re keeping our indoor mask mandate in effect, thanks
- Washington Free Beacon: Virginia Little League Coaches Must Attend ‘Antiracist’ Training
- Ind. Sentinel: Fang Fang’s really good friend Swalwell screams at Rep. Greene’s SPOX
- Federalist: White House’s Worst Journalist Gets Another Award From Her Peers
VID FLASHBACK Friday: Climate change crew is at it again… you will never be fooled again, guaranteed. So easy to see in this: My Gift To Climate Alarmists (Climate Alarmists Debunked – click here) – this fast video with incredible details is by a guy that can help any Leftist fake their stats with his program. Yup, that simple to see… A favorite…we might leave up for a few days… Sgt K