Quartering Bill Burr Has Insane WOKE MELTDOWN On Air! This Is ROCK BOTTOM! Was He Lying All Along? 11 hours ago
Wall Street Apes EXPOSED Department of Education is laundering money back to the Democrat Party 12 hours ago
Whatfinger News These vaccines were designed to Depopulate! – Lawsuit against Pfizer launches and they are so busted…. MURDER! 10 hours ago
Quartering Bill Burr Has Insane WOKE MELTDOWN On Air! This Is ROCK BOTTOM! Was He Lying All Along? 11 hours ago
Wall Street Apes EXPOSED Department of Education is laundering money back to the Democrat Party 12 hours ago
Whatfinger News These vaccines were designed to Depopulate! – Lawsuit against Pfizer launches and they are so busted…. MURDER! 10 hours ago
Quartering Bill Burr Has Insane WOKE MELTDOWN On Air! This Is ROCK BOTTOM! Was He Lying All Along? 11 hours ago
War Room BREAKING Chinese Virologist Yan Li-Meng on FOX: The #CCP had already known the outbreak and human-to-human transmission fact back in early Dec. This pandemic is more than everything we’ve ever known in human history. We need to trace the true origin, get the real answer. July 17, 2020
War Room On the 75th anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Test, I explain the origin of Oppenheimer’s quote, “I am now become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.” July 17, 2020
War Room Virologist Dr. Yan Li-meng who escaped from China, says Beijing covered up the corona virus outbreak. @JoshJPhilipp provides an analysis of the story. July 17, 2020
Prager U “It’s not just bad people are racist, ALL people are racist.” Have you been enlightened about the racism “in your genes” after watching @thewillwitt speak with this woke white lady? Man facepalming July 17, 2020
Prager U Medical experts have spoken: It’s safe to open schools in the fall. So why does the Left continue to oppose this and weaponize #COVID19? @thewillwitt speaks to @RX_forLiberty Dr. Jeff Barke. July 17, 2020
Prager U . @KingfaceF1 : Black Lives Matter is taking advantage of the deaths of black men in order to advance their agenda that actually harms black America. July 17, 2020
Lou Dobbs Field of Hypocrisy: @VDHanson says the NFL needs to fix its own diversity issues before virtue signaling and lecturing America about racism. July 17, 2020
War Room Why are we effectively in the same situation as in January? It’s because you had people like Drs. Fauci and Tedros jumping in and playing the CYA game, rather than the science, evidence-based game. July 14, 2020
Prager U The Constitution effectively put slavery on a road to extinction. @BenShapiro with the facts July 14, 2020
Lou Dobbs Our balance of power with China has been slipping and the Chinese military is surpassing our naval units worldwide. July 14, 2020