James Woods If artificial intelligence had a face, this would be it. If artificial stupidity had a voice, yep, you guessed it… 3 months ago
James Woods James Woods: This is a stunning moment in history. RFK, Jr. decimates the corrupt Democrat Party 4 months ago
James WoodsTop Vids James Woods: I’m so sick of the insurrection talk by the corrupt Democrats… 7 months ago
James WoodsTop Vids James Woods – Democrats have turned American cities into a dystopian apocalypse. 8 months ago
James WoodsTop Vids James Woods: Our current “leader” described with utter clarity by our shadow leader… 8 months ago
James WoodsTop Vids James Woods: Do the Dems have a video of this guy banging a goat or something? 8 months ago
James Woods James Woods: While squatters are stealing your home, and gangs of thugs are beating your children to death, and millions of illegal military-age men are invading Joe Biden’s borderless America, your Congress is doing this… 9 months ago