Crime PA Target turned into a zoo, one criminal rides a bike – ALWAYS IN DEMOCRAT CITIES AND STATES! April 20, 2023
Crime What happens in Blue cities when there are no more stores to do this in? Serious question…. It’s coming April 17, 2023
Crime Wild video shows mob of looters bum-rushing Compton gas station, stealing thousands in goods April 16, 2023
Crime Here’s What Washington, DC Looks Like These Days – plus I Drove Around California For A Month. It Was A Disaster. April 16, 2023
Crime The latest mass shooting. News media is working with authorities on a narrative for Monday morning. 4 dead so far April 16, 2023
Crime I’d like to meet this low life in an alley, How about you? Unreal how disgusting it is in Blue States…. GET OUT NOW. April 10, 2023
Crime Nashville police: School shooter randomly targeted victims – Wanted to kill Christians March 28, 2023