CNN Scott Jennings is asked by CNN host what happens if Trump’s attempt to reassert in the Panama Canal upsets Panama. 3 months ago
CNN Here is Jake Tapper in 2017 falsely reporting the peepee dossier was corroborated Be a shame if this went viral now June 15, 2023
CNN Rep. Chip Roy warns (threatens) McCarthy about a major, looming negotiation in the House. January 8, 2023
CNN CNN Urges Viewers To Starve Their Pets to Death To Combat Climate Change , seriously! November 29, 2022
CNNProject Veritas Project Veritas exposes another CNN producer and reports to police re: fantasizing of sex acts with fiance’s young daughter December 16, 2021
CNNTop Vids CNN Runs Segment Saying Trump COULD STILL WIN, Democrats Oblivious As Trump On Track For EC Victory November 28, 2020