“The Higher Your Cholesterol, The Longer You Live” “If you have Low Cholesterol, be very afraid.” Cardiologist @DrJackWolfsonshares the latest research on the critical importance of Cholesterol for vibrant health. “The Higher the LDL Cholesterol, The Lower Your Risk of Dying.” “The LDL Paradox: Higher LDL-Cholesterol is Associated with Greater Longevity” Lead Authors: Uffe Ravnskov & @DrAseemMalhotra
Link To Groundbreaking Study meddocsonline.org/annals-of-epid “The worry over Total Cholesterol & Heart Attack risk is a fallacy from the 60s & 70s.” “Cholesterol is critically important, that’s why all animals have it, that why breast milk has it, that’s why eggs contain it because that’s how a chicken comes to life.” “Do not fear total Cholesterol, in fact for people older than 60, the higher the total Cholesterol, the longer they live.” “LDL has many important roles in the body. Cholesterol itself, Triglycerides, fat soluble Vitamins, CoQ10 heart protection & optimal immune function.”
“The Higher Your Cholesterol, The Longer You Live”
“If you have Low Cholesterol, be very afraid.”
Cardiologist @DrJackWolfson shares the latest research on the critical importance of Cholesterol for vibrant health.
“The Higher the LDL Cholesterol, The Lower Your Risk of… pic.twitter.com/iUhLBf8lRC
— Valerie Anne Smith (@ValerieAnne1970) December 7, 2024
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